Day 8 in Vancouver began in the shadow of the Tiger Woods Press Conference. What a spectacle that was. (That was sarcasm by the way.) I really don't have much sympathy for him, although I do for his family, but I really hope they don't turn this into a movie of the week. But come to think of it, he and Balloon Boy would be a great pair in a sitcom. (Whatchutalkin' about Tiger??!!) Anyways, it was another beautiful day in BC. It looks like it's supposed to stay that way through Wednesday at least. Who needs Mexico when you can tan on the beach at English Bay in February. (I'd recommend you wear your Vancouver 2010 Red Mittens.)
Today was a quiet day. Well, not on Robson Street which appears to be the biggest party in the World right now, but as far as events go. The big story, Canada's Jon Montgomery won our 4th Gold Medal, this time in the Skeleton. We now sit in fourth place in the overall medal standings, 12 behind the Americans who sit in first. That leads me to my next topic, although still with the Skeleton. Canadian Skeletoner (Skeletal?) Mellisa Hollingsworth sat in second place going into the final race but made a few mistakes and ended up finishing 5th. She was very emotional after the final race and broke down on CTV. She said that she let down an entire Country. I was getting emotional just watching it. (Of course I cry watching Naked Gun movies.) I never really cared for Canada's Own The Podium slogan. While I am all for the Government throwing more money into Amateur Sports, I don't think there should be this mindset that if you don't make the podium you fail. I'm glad not every Country feels this way because we certainly wouldn't have a record number of Countries competing in these Games. Many competitors (actually probably a majority of them) know they have no realistic chance at a medal. They are there to represent their Countries and do their very best. These Games are about Sportsmanship, about doing something that you love to do, about hard work, about giving everything you have and doing your very best. If you do these things yet fall short of the podium, how can you be considered a failure? I'm proud of the way Hollingsworth battled back in that final race. She did not give up. Nor did she storm off in a huff or blame the course. I have never seen a classier group of athletes than this Canadian Olympic Team, and I am very proud to be Canadian right now. And Melissa, you did not let this Country down. Quite the contrary.
From talking about class and sportsmanship, we go to disgruntled sore loser Evgeni Plushenko. Bitter about taking Silver to American Evan Lysacek's Gold, the Russian expressed his shock that someone not doing a quad could win Gold. Even Russian President Vladimir Putin (I wonder if he's ever considered endorsing fries with cheese curds and gravy?) chimed in saying 'his Silver was worth a Gold Medal'. Anybody watching the two skate knew it was an extremely close race; it could've gone either way. I thought Lysacek deserved to win and was glad he did. Figure Skating is about so much more than the quad. Good on the American for lashing back at Plushenko, who has a nose the size of his ego.
In Figure Skating today it was the Dance Compulsories. It really doesn't get much more boring than that. I'd rather watch the Zamboni go around and around. I didn't watch it, I don't know the results, let's move on.
In Men's and Women's Curling the Canadian teams remain undefeated and look to be favorites to win Gold Medals. What sets these teams apart is the way they can cinch the hammer on the 4-foot and their amazing use of the corner guard to draw to the button. Okay, so I don't know what any of that means, but I thought it sounded good.
No upsets to speak of in Men's Hockey. Sweden got by Belarus in a pretty close game, the Czechs beat Latvia, and the Finns toppled Germany. Team Canada, after their lacklustre win yesterday, got the day off today. I'm kind of surprised that they wouldn't have even a short practice. This team doesn't have long to come together and if they don't, they won't even win a medal. I think they need to be out on the ice. But what do I know? I'm only an expert. I read in the Globe and Mail that it might be a good thing if Canada loses to the Americans on Sunday night. It would mean they would have to play an extra game in making it to the Gold Medal Game and thus giving them one more game to come together. I don't really agree with this logic. You always want to play the best you can. They will either come together as a team when they absolutely need to, or it won't happen at all. You want to take the easiest path possible to the Gold Medal Game. While that paper may know Globes and they may know Mail, they sure don't know Hockey.
There is some controversy regarding the Olympic Security Force. A few Officers have been fired. One apparently for shoplifting at a Winners in Burnaby while off duty. (While I have never shoplifted, if I was a shoplifter, I'd want to be caught stealing from a Holt Renfrew, not a Winners. I'm just sayin'). They will not discuss why the other two were let go, but there is some speculation that it involved hookers. I know, it's shocking to think that Police Officers could possibly do such a thing. They are all good citizens who follow the letter of the law to a 't'. Why, it's unthinkable. Another Officer reportedly has Leprosy and has been relieved of duty. He considered suing Vanoc but changed his mind when he knew he didn't have a leg to stand on. (Come on, you knew it was coming).
Once again today I went to stores to try to buy some more Olympic Merchandise. I'm so glad that the Welfare and EI I collect is being put to good use. (For the record, that was a joke.) Unless you are XXXL or XXS, there is not really much left. For those of you who are waiting until after the Games for things to go on sale for half price (Come on, I know you're out there) it's not going to happen. I'm really glad everything has sold so well. (Well, everything except that Quatchi Blow-up Doll which was just a bad idea.) Even in the old-folks capital of BC, Penticton everyone has Olympic fever. It's great to see people wearing team Canada jerseys, Grandma's with Canada flags on their scooters, Grandpa's with the Maple Leaf on their Depends, even old granny's with Maple Syrup-scented Bingo Dabbers. It just doesn't get any more Canadian than that.
While there is more going on on Day 9, Saturday, nothing really too significant. The Bobsleigh begins, more Men's and Women's Curling (and drawing to the 8-foot), Women's Aerials Freestyle Skiing up at Cypress, some insignificant Men's Hockey Games (well, significant if you are from Latvia), and Women's Hockey Playoffs which do not include Canada or the US because they get a bye to the next round. All this translates to more sleep for me. Somewhere between the two man Bobsleigh and the Norweigian-Swiss Men's Hockey Game I may find a few minutes to rush to Safeway and stock up on Chips and Pop. I'll try. I don't know why my life has to be so chaotic and stressful.
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